We produce or distribute every wide-spread, standard crate type for the food industry and agriculture as well industry, trade and logistics. We offer reinforced, long-life crates.
Our plastic boxes with closed walls and bottom are also used by all economical branches. Our main box types are the cases for food industry and meat industry, and several kind of boxes for industry, trade and logistics. Our boxes are also reinforced and long-life.
Our company offers plastic pallets in all in Europe spread basic size – 800x1200 and 1000x1200 mm, resp. 400x600 and 600x800 mm. We distribute every main pallet type, plastic pallets for general purposes, pallets for food industry, pallets for heavy weight and light pallets too.
We offer mainly in outer size of 800x1200 and 1000x1200 mm plastic pallet-boxes. The pallet-boxes are to be manufactured in closed, resp. perforated sides, according to their execution with feet (4-6 feet) or skids, traverses (2-3 skids). Also lid can be ordered.
We offer first of all the cage for poultry and small live animal from our other plastic products. We distribute carriage under the crates (trolley), IBC container, MH boxes and plastic buckets and tubs in various volume.
Our company, TAROPLAST Ltd. offers you its plastic crates and boxes produced in its new factory in Kunszentmiklós. We offer our plastic pallets, pallet-boxes and containers, furthermore other plastic packaging goods.
We manufacture and offer our products for the main sectors of food industry - poultry processing, meat, bakery, dairy, cannery, cooling confectionery as well as the beer and soft drink industries –furthermore for agricultural – within the fruit and vegetable growing and trade – as well as for the logistics, trade and industry.
We produce from virgin material in food industry quality.
Determining is the recycling, reusing of basic material, therefore we buy and repurchase resp. change or deduct the used waste plastic crates and boxes of our partners.
The basis of the production is – beside the appropriate injection moulding machines and technology – the new automatic moulds for the production of crates, which assure constant good quality, exact product-weight, product without burr and shorter cycle time. Reinforced crate-construction, longer lifetime of the crates.
The determinant part of the activities of the TAROPLAST is the recycling of used broken plastic crates-boxes, re-using of their material. Therefore we buy and repurchase resp. change or deduct the used waste plastic crates and boxes of our partners.
All manufactured and distributed products are stored in closed finished goods warehouse, so they are clean and uncontaminated delivered to our customers. It is also assured, to load the trucks in closed space.
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